-Have you ever wondered were our food comes from and how it is prepared? That is going to be the main focus of one of my upcoming blogs and a issue that I am very opinionated on.
-Went to McDonald's today and spent 8 dollars, the meal was only 7.17, but the tax on it was 85 cents, a whopping 12 percent tax....that is a really hefty tax.
-Went to class today for calculus, and it reminded me how much me and math are not the best of friends. My professor though is very thorough and I believe I probably will learn quite a bit this year.
-My house is 30 minutes away (By Walking) from campus and although it may not be the most fun, or even most convenient way of transportation, it is great for the environment and it should really help cut down excess weight.
-Finally for all you NFL fans out there, does it really make sense to send a 6 time pro bowl guard in Logan Mankins to the Bucs for a fourth round pick and a backup tight end. I know he ins't a elite guard anymore but he is still above average. Just seems like the Bucs got the way better end of the deal. I have the details of the trade in the link below, and I will also start posting my thoughts on the Redskins from now on (Like being a mini sports writer...oh ya.).
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
From High School to...life
Today marked the first day that classes started here at Jmu. Of course this means having my backpack packed the night before, clothes laid out for the next day, schedule memorized...over and over again just to make sure I don't look like a freshman searching for there class (one way to look out for freshman is to see if anyone is using there "Mappy", a silly map of Jmu that automatically differentiates freshman from alumni..upper classmen...and really.. everyone), and telling my self that this semester is going to be my best one yet. I am currently a Economics major while pursuing a B.B.A or, a Bachelors of Business Administration. While my goal is to pursue a career in law enforcement, I figured that Business looks great, could be fun, and is really quite an excellent program here at Jmu. Anyways ( I get distracted very easily and can ramble on about really anything, just like how RG3 really did not look great the other night against the Ravens and makes me really hope he can progress from.....sorry... I did warn you my brain sometimes loses focus) to start off the day, I had my 8:00 to 8:50 class in interpersonal business skills. Lovely, a eight a.m and some class that I probably wont care about or learn anything from (The Jmu B.B.A program requires a multitude of business classes to pursue a B.B.A such as basic economics, accounting and management.). Next up Micro Economics from 1:25-2:15, a class I need to do well in (but shouldn't we do well in all of our classes?) so I should probably sit in the back of the class to avoid distractions from those who might not care as much as me about their grade in the class, great logic right? Finally my last class of the day is immediately after Micro and is merely one floor above the Micro. Financial Accounting...uhh.. that's something I need to work hard for, I thought to myself, as I looked at my schedule. So my house mate, who lives right next to me, took me from our house, to campus, and then I grudgingly walked to Zane Showker building (The business building, that just so happens to have the most comfortable swivel chairs on campus, the true reason why I switched to a B.B.A. Its all about that swivel action.) to confront the days classes. As I sat down by myself, a international exchange student from South Korea sat next to me. She is a marketing major and she has this.... grasp of what she wanted from the class, and an intent on doing well and not slacking off. I want to do as well as the next guy, but I will admit my will power to do extremely well is not quite as high as hers... or at least wasn't. Then after reading the syllabus for this interpersonal business class, I realized this is actually real stuff that really does apply to situations I will find myself in. Elevator speeches, professional resumes, and public speaking are only a few of the critical topics that will be covered and practiced in the class. What a difference college is from high school. Apart from the fact that of course you cant bomb tests, or afford to not study because the classes are that much harder, the content itself, at least in my major, is massively different. I went from learning facts and general information, to learning skills, and how to succeed in my profession. Not only do we learn the information, but also apply it, and practice using it, to prepare for jobs outside of school. Well I thought, that's probably just one class I'm sure that my next two classes will probably be the same old information retention type classes. After talking to my friend who was in the class next to me and convincing me that her Professor was better, I headed into my class. Because of course I came much earlier then needed because it was the first day, I sat and waited fifteen minutes. Once my Professor began going over the course materials and what to expect, he to did things differently. Though there will still be tests (can't get out of that one I suppose), we would be learning Economics with groups, because in life we will have to analyze problems with other people. So as I leave, class and head upstairs and talk about the good ole days of dorm life last year (Gifford Hall for the win!), and how much we miss it with one of my good buddies and previous dorm mates, I head into my class..... Financial Accounting. I did not possibly think there would be anyway I could get through this required class this year. As I sat down next to a friend from high school, and as we both talk about how much this class is going to kick our butts, our Professor begins class. As she goes over what is to come one thing strikes me, she is really knowledgeable. She explains that the class is going to be fast paced, but she will be there to help us along the way. She then immediately starts going into information about accounting. ASSETS! LIABILITIES! EQUITIES! DIVIDEND! CAPITAL! ASSETS ARE EQUAL TO LIABILITIES PLUS OWNERS EQUITY! My mind was racing and could not keep up, but she then stops and says "Let me explain in plain old English". What followed was a superb explanation of basic accounting terms and rules that made sense to me, and probably ninety five percent of the class (I think I saw one or two students giggle and flirt with each other instead... maybe they found true love with one another, or maybe they should have paid attention to a good Professor...only time can tell and I'm no judge).Once again just as I had felt earlier today, this realization hit me of how these classes, and all this information truly does relate to my life and really does educate me and is equipping me to be a skilled worker. Things like elevator speeches, working to solve economic solutions, and how to prepare the four different financial statement and spreadsheets, are going to help set me apart from others when the day comes after college that I seek and apply for the job of my dreams. At first, so many of these classes seem tedious and not likely at all to be interesting or worthwhile, whether that's because they are hard, or just do not seem to relate to what you as an individual want to do. But my advice is look harder, and you will not only see how these classes relate to reality after college, but prepare, equip and set you apart from every one else. The day may come when a law enforcement agency looks at me and says, "Yes we are hiring you because you are so diverse in your training, education, and skills. Plus we may need your lower level accounting skills now and then to take a look at some accounts or do some auditing if we need it". Well I can only dream, but until then I can study hard with the knowledge that what I learn today, and in this 2014-2015 year can and will truly help me along my career path.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Isis the growing power
The Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant have only further pushed there ideals and physical power into Iraq with the capture of a major Syrian Air base. The New York Times reported that the Jihadist group is nearly in full control of the Raqqa province ( which is located near the border of Turkey) effectively after taking two other military bases from the Government. I don't know about every other normal, seemingly insignificant young American, but this news is actually pretty scary. The fact that a Terrorist group known to our Government as Anti-American, and willing to use needless violence and bloodshed to achieve there radical goals, is now in control of a major region of a important country, is quite alarming. At this rate there is little doubt that Isis will have to be stopped, and most likely the Kurds and the Syrians will not be able to fight them alone. The only question in my mind is what it will take for the country to realize this threat. I can only hope that there will not be another 9/11 before we can fully stop Isis. I commend President Obama for the many airstrikes he has called against this bloody group, but I fear that more will be needed. The violence and tragedy that has awoken in Iraq will not end until more tangible efforts are placed within the upheaval going on. It is simply unacceptable that we do not protect the government we put in place, and abandon them to the growing civil war that is happening as I type this very sentence, enjoy this wonderful freedom of America, and drink this delicious soda . As we enjoy the upcoming football season, wondering if Rg3 will truly return to form, if Johnny Manziel will actually make an impact, and if the jaguars will truly ever become at least mediocre ( I only kid... we all know they will only make 5-11 at best), there is a world out there going through tragedy and bloodshed. While there is really little that we individually can do right now, other then hope and pray for the best, sometimes just respecting what others who are less fortunate then us are going though can be important. Remembering, empathizing and perhaps even raising awareness or donating a few dollars to relief efforts can be enough. It is a sad, sad thought to think while we enjoy diversity and many of life's joys, that children will lose parents, humans lose what little they had, and citizens of Iraq slowly see the horror that may be to come if Isis is not stopped.
Below I have a link to Save the children, a site that is focusing on helping the the children that have lost their families or homes, also another link to donate in general to the crisis in Iraq, as over 1.2 million members of Iraq have been displaced from their homes and over 6500 have died.
Below I have a link to Save the children, a site that is focusing on helping the the children that have lost their families or homes, also another link to donate in general to the crisis in Iraq, as over 1.2 million members of Iraq have been displaced from their homes and over 6500 have died.
Student Loans and life
Ah, life, inst it great? That is exactly how I was feeling as I moved into my house that I am sharing with nine other men here at JMU. Tv across from my couch (slash bed...I'm a college student don't judge), mini fridge within arms reach (just in case I need a good old fashioned Mountain Dew twelve ounce of pure heaven soda), and a footstool directly in front of my feet, I thought "Hey this is pretty nice". Of course one thing I was not thinking about was student loans. It's something that my generation is merely not thinking about as they accept loans whether federal or private, while partying it up every Thursday through Saturday. We don't realize the tremendous amount of debt that we are getting our selves into. Part of the reason why (and only part, I realize there are multiple factors into why we don't concern ourselves with such silly matters as our financial security) has to be how loans themselves are set up. Ever since the majority of loans have been taken over by the Federal Government, we accept these loans under the pretense that the Government is trying to help us, and that they would not give us the raw end of the deal (Also because we see politicians that I will not name tell us that they are good for us). On one hand student loans are not bad for credit and don't look bad when applying for a a line of credit, whether that's for a car, a house or the "Oh so needed credit card." But really our generation is really quite uninformed when it comes to these loans. First they just see the money allotted and accept it. If they see fifty five hundred total dollars, we believe that we get that and just pay it back after college....EH...no.... Really what you get is two separate loans from the Government, subsidized and unsubsidized. You would get three thousand in subsidized and twenty five hundred in unsubsidized. What this means is that the first loan, the subsidized, or the three thousand is going to be paid after college, and the government will pay for the interest you accumulate while pursuing your education. So college kids are right, right? Its basically pay back the money after you get a sweet gig, after "Turning up" three days a week for the best damn four years of your life right?! Once again.....ehhh.. no ..wrong...you lose. The unsubsidzed or twenty five hundred dollars we were borrowing is different. You don't pay it back till after college, but all four years you accepted that loan you accumulate massive amounts of interest. How much do you ask? Well I got this nifty letter in the email and I will just re-post it here for you all to see.
We hope you are enjoying your school experience and know that student loan debt might not be a priority right now. That's okay! We just want to make sure you fully understand your student loans and know that we are here to make this process a little bit easier for you.
Just a reminder, your unsubsidized loans accrue 0.21 in interest every day. If you can make payments toward that interest now, you can save money in the future! Once you leave school or drop below half time, any unpaid interest will be added to your principal balance, increasing the total you repay. See how much you could save by making some payments.
We hope you are enjoying your school experience and know that student loan debt might not be a priority right now. That's okay! We just want to make sure you fully understand your student loans and know that we are here to make this process a little bit easier for you.
Just a reminder, your unsubsidized loans accrue 0.21 in interest every day. If you can make payments toward that interest now, you can save money in the future! Once you leave school or drop below half time, any unpaid interest will be added to your principal balance, increasing the total you repay. See how much you could save by making some payments.
Yup that's right, the first twenty five hundred I borrowed my freshman year last year accumulates 0.21 percent interest every day! That is downright robbery, and students are not even aware of these massive debts they are accumulating. For example I am accumulating around 53 dollars every day in interest for the next 4 years on that loan... not even to mention the ones I will be taking out my next three years. If these rates had been present years ago under the Bush administration there would have been hell all over the nation, instead there is this false sense of security that has been given by the current government in place... It is sad to see how imperfect the current system for loans is. The rates are atrocious, given without a real sense of what students are getting into, and this system will sadly fail withing twenty years...probably less. There will be major uproar withing ten years after citizens have left college and find their financial situations in such a mess, setting them back for years. It sounds great on paper to centralize loans,and to get them to those who really need them, but in reality we were better of with private loans with lower interest, because after college, I know I will be feeling the affects of these loans for years to come, to tell you the truth I already feel them now. Anyways...I think I have a bowl of either Ramen noodles or Chef Boyardi calling my name.... every day....for the next four years.
Also check out this site that actually has great information on these federal loans. http://www.staffordloan.com/stafford-loan-info/faq/whats-the-difference-between-unsubsidized-and-subsidized-loans.php
Also check out this site that actually has great information on these federal loans. http://www.staffordloan.com/stafford-loan-info/faq/whats-the-difference-between-unsubsidized-and-subsidized-loans.php
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